Friday, March 20, 2009

this is weird.

but I am copying and pasting from my mother's e-mails onto this blog.
I want them to be documented here for safe keeping so I can come back to see them later.
Plus, I wanted you guys to see this:

"Jose's wife Georgette commented on our tea set a while ago and was hoping we could find her one from china. Well, she and Jose came by a couple of weeks ago to see if we could provide any work for Jose because he needed to desperately send money to family in Mexico - his nephew has disappeared and his wife is left with a small baby and trying to find out if he's been killed or taken as a soldier - it's really scary and out of control there right now. Anyway, she asked if we had had any luck finding a tea set. So, we went online and bought one for her, and didn't exactly lie, but when we gave it to her we said that our son was in the country on a business trip from china so that she wouldn't think we had just bought it for her. When we gave it to her, and told her she didn't owe us anything, that it was a gift, she said "You don't understand, you have fulfilled a childhood dream of mine!" which I sort of thought she was just being nice, then today she called and said "When I was growing up we were extremely poor and I would look in magazines and see these beautiful china dolls and would dream about someday having a real chinese tea set, and now you guys have made that dream come true, you can't imagine how much that means to me." and then she went on to tell me about the table she has it sitting on and how proud of it she is, it's just all been too much. And it has nothing to do with money, cause she has worked 20 plus years as a teacher, she could easily have spent $30 to buy a tea set.

anyway, that's our tea set story, it makes me realize how much we have in life to be thankful for"

and this:

"'bought myself some pants with holes in the crotch.' - really???????

I hope this is a typo!"

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