Monday, March 9, 2009

maybe i should rename the blog "my dreams: often boring, sometimes not."

Justin (my oldest brother) and I had to swim together across a lake 6 times before we could eat at this group luncheon event.
He rode on my back for one of the laps and it was surprisingly easy.

A group of friends were organizing old clothes. An enormous heap of old clothes which were resting in a living room sized crate. I stood watching for a while, but then Moe suggested I make another clothes sculpture, so I got in and began shoving piles of clothes to the side to build the walls of the structure.
A young Chinese boy and girl were playing around the crate while I was working and, trying to focus, their play was annoying me.
I told them to please be quiet and they wouldn't listen.
I took the boy aside, held his arm, and put my face down to his. I said "you really need to calm down, boy."
"But you're doing it wrong! I don't want you to do it that way anymore! I want you to do it differently. Don't build those triangles like you did on my last one! That's boring!"
"Okay." Fair enough, I thought.
Apparently the last clothing sculpture I made was for him, and he thought I was making this one for him too. Selfish boy.
Little did he know, I was actually making it for his twin sister who, of course, he had an ongoing rivalry with.
I continued to build, then my alarm went off.

In the ten more minutes I opted to sleep I waded through a space filled with blown up colored balloons.
And now I'm realizing how freaking sweet that would be.

p.s. today i've got to perform a monologue and i'm nervous about it. i've tried the lying to myself bit, but that hasn't worked. I actually am nervous.
it's my first monologue.
thank goodness it's for my first class.

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