Monday, March 30, 2009


I haven't been sleeping well recently.
Actually, that's a lie. I've been sleeping very well, but as I lay down to bed each night, I wish it were hours earlier and I wasn't falling asleep past 2 am every "evening."
Tonight I decided to try sleeping earlier, but instead I've been flipping and flopping in bed for a couple of hours.
I just watched an ENTIRE episode of Star Trek. Usually they put me to sleep like a lullaby, warm milk, and a good hard knock over the head.
But no, the full thing. And I enjoyed it. ?

So now I'm going to post about my day in hopes that it will bring a needed finale for my brain to relax and let me sleep.

Today was great.
I woke up to sunshine and soon after Shaun, Leila, and baby came over. We chatted for a bit, then went on a walk with Katie to boulevard park because the freaking sun was out! hem...finally.
And while they were here I realized I'm jealous of baby because she looks good in a double chin.
And I'm bitter towards baby because she won't look me in the eye when I'm trying to tell her a story.

Anyway, so we walked and that was good fun.
Then we were nearly blown off the boardwalk by the arctic chill winds, but forged on to the park, then back home.

When we got back Shaun and I took the ginormous painting of leila down to the car and found it definitely was too big to fit. So Shaun ended up tying it to the top, which was entertaining, strapped down with a tarp and rope.
They took my pile of art to keep, I threw away the art to throw away, and now my apartment is nearly devoid of any art. It's very different and now I realize how important art is in life.
But I'm glad. It'll make moving so much easier.

We hung out some more, then they left. I was feeling anxious to get back into the sunshine, so I did. I went on an aimless walk towards downtown, ran into Jon Zeller who is off to China soon. That was a tinge serendipitous because on the way I was thinking I'd stop in at the cafe where he works to see if he's working so I could chat about China with him.
Then went to the co-op for sick people provisions, and as I left ran into Gwen who was about to go meet up with Katie, William, and Mary. We made plans to meet up in 20 so I could go hang out with the bunch too, I saw Maia briefly, then rode with Gwen to Katie's.
It was strange how that aimless walk turned out to be perfectly orchestrated.

God this post is dull.

Hanging out with them all was fun. We went to Casa, then to Mallards, then to buy balloons which unfortunately were a migraine and a half to blow up.
So instead we played Scategories.
William had to go home to get the game so while Katie, Gwen, and William were gone Mary and I brainstormed a prank to surprise them with.
We decided to set up Katie's tent in the kitchen then get in it.
The tent was wonky and deflated because we didn't have dirt or stakes to support the walls with. We turned off all the lights and got in it. They came home and assumed we had left, turned on the lights, and surprise!...we were in the tent.
It was actually really hilarious. Mary was rolling on the floor laughing.
But you probably had to be there.

Yeah, so we played the game and it was jolly and fun.

Now I need to stop typing because this post is boring as is. More is less Carissa. This is more, not less.
But, I'm wide awake and it just turned 2 am.

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