Sunday, August 31, 2008

Project Runway's season winner Jeff was in my dream

Right before waking, the last thing I dreamt was meeting Jeff from Project Runway.
I was in China and all of a sudden he showed up, standing in front of me, a couple feet lower than me, because I was on the upper part of a slanted sidewalk.
He looked up at me, I looked down at him, and I said, pointing at his chest, "You're that guy from Project Runway!!! probably get that all the time."
-"Don't worry about it, tell me what you thought."
"I thought that one guy's work was really cheap."
-"Yeah, seriously, it really was." he said nodding his head in agreement.
"And your clothing was incredible. It must have been such a stressful competition to be in..."
-"Hahaha," he looked down to the side, laughing more. "Actually it really wasn't as hard as you might think!" he continued to say with an enormous smirk on his face.
There was clearly something I didn't know about the show, but he wouldn't tell me what it was.
I thought maybe they had a longer time to work on their outfits than they showed us, or my other thought was they give them a lot of vodka to drink in the evenings...not sure why that would make the competition easier...

I tried looking for his neck tattoo but he had some kind of turtle neck unfortunately. His hair was cut short, and he had on a grey shirt with some pattern/design and tight black pants with a belt. Something I'd imagine he would normally wear on the daily.

No idea why I dreamt about him.

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