Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I woke up at 4 pm today.
Leila, my sister-in-law, was actually afraid I had been killed and nearly came into my room to check.
I have no clue why I slept so late. I think I must be sick, with some kind of illness that manifests itself as sleeping comas, mild headaches, slight nausea, and over-thinking life.

I'm going back to Bellingham tomorrow, getting a ride up with Shaun and Leila since my brother doesn't work Wednesdays and the two of them love the town.
A part of me is worried that as soon as I arrive I'll want to escape back to more interesting places like Seattle or Beijing. Another part of me is excited to see friends and anxious to begin a new life in an old place.
I'm feeling strongly about getting my bike fixed because I've acquired a taste for freedom of movement at any time of day. I think a little thing like that could make a big difference in my life up there. I've thought about getting my license, but right now I can't muster up the interest in driving legally in America because there are options like biking and walking and busing which turn out to be easier than owning a car, paying for its gas, and finding parking spots (and getting over the stress of driving on a freeway.)
I'm also feeling strongly about trying to find a new job. My receptionist position should really be held by somebody who has an interest in clinics and I should be in a job that has to do with art, creativity of some kind, or coffee.

Also, I'm thinking I'll keep up a blog.
It will most likely be far less interesting than anything I posted from China, but it's something I've grown accustomed to having. It helps calm my mind, making the thoughts playing on repeat finally stop as I type them out in concrete statements on my laptop.

I'm going to try sleeping again now. It's been a long 7 1/2 hour day, and hopefully the sleep coma will come over me again soon.

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