Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bumbershoot '08

Bumbershoot provided us a quite a good day today.
The best parts were watching an older man dancing, working the crowd with his very controlled and interesting movements, going to see Unearth, a metal band, seeing Saul Williams, and walking through hundreds of hand-made music posters on display.
Unearth were talented, but as Shaun and I discussed afterwards...not distint. They sounded like a generic, talented, metal band. Nevertheless, I want to see more metal. Seeing them encouraged my interest in seeing metal live. There's certainly places to go in Seattle. I just need to ask someone to go with me.
I honestly hadn't heard Saul Williams until today, and he won my heart immediately.
The whole band was dressed amazingly, one with a shiny silver suit, another with a full cape, another with bright red plastic shoulder pads, and Saul with glittering blue makeup in a band across his face. There was a young kid on stage with them, probably one of the performers' munchkins. He got to hang out behind the drummer the whole show. There were keyboards, which fortunately played an array of electronic beats, and there was an electric guitar if I remember correctly.
Their performance was high energy, dancing, jumping on tables, running around.
The music was exciting too, of course, and you should listen to them! now.
They were so good that I was dancing by myself in the crowd. It was too good to pass up the desire to move. AND he covered Bjork's song 'Declare Independence' That was soooo awesome...and makes me anticipate the day I can finally see her. That will be one of the happiest days of my life, for sure.

To sum it up, it was a good day.

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