Saturday, August 9, 2008


last night the last dream i had before waking involved a car trip with fellow art students of mine and my mom. My mom was driving this fan, the back of which was an entire art classroom. We were working on a mutual art project as we rode to somewhere, trying to find Bush. When we arrived at this huge resort, the road went straight into a vacationer's hotel room, stopping about a foot away from their bed. I could see someone was in the bed by the boots sticking out the end of the blanket, but their face was covered by the top. When the person heard us arrive he pulled the blanket off of his face and revealed that it was my father.
My mom sat in bed and I was annoyed, because she was relaxing, while we were aimed to accomplish something...and in the meantime had a problem to fix, being that we had just driven into a building. While they were chatting about what was going on, another art student walked up looking very distressed. This guy was kind of a stoner, and he acted like one in my dream. He was like "Hey, you've got my car. That's my car you just drove down the hill into this building." Apparently without us knowing, my mom had stolen the car from a parking spot on the hill, then put a rock in the space to reserve the spot to return the car later, then rode it down the hill. He was really upset, but my parents weren't phased at all. I was trying to be sympathetic and told him how crazy it is that she did that and how sorry I am. I wasn't really taking my apologies, but rather just looked into space with a worried look on his face.

Before that I vaguely remember living in a fort/cave/hobbit home with a few friends of mine. It was a group of people that have never been in the same room together: Maia, Robert Funk(maryann's friend. someone I hardly know), and Daniel (Maia's friend), Maryann, and other people I can't remember. We would sit and have dinner together like a family and have really interesting conversations. We also went on a walk together, with a ton more people who joined us. I gave out pipes to all of my friends and we walked and smoked.
Unfortunately right now I can't remember the rest.

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