Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pictures of the Village trip

These are pictures from Sebrina's blog. I only took the one with her and Madison and all the ladies surrounding them. Sorry the order is off, but it's difficult to change...

Inside one of the homes in Xiao Zhong Dian, the first village we went to.

In the courtyard of Cheng He Die's home in the village Jiu He on the day of Torch Festival. Normally the two ladies dressed in traditional clothing would wear something more Western. Their mothers still wear the traditional outfits though.
Behind them is a view of the crops on the flat ground between hills. On the hill opposite the one we're on are the Naxi people. On their side they're Bai...and in this valley which stretches to the left and right on both sides of the crops, there are hundreds of tiny villages.

This was also in Xiao Zhong Dian. We were walking between homes and there was a large group of ladies doing hard labor on the side of the street. They were breaking up rocks with axes and hauling them away. They, like everyone else in China, adore Madison.

This was part of dinner on the festival day. Unfortunately I wasn't there to witness the killing, blooding, and de-feathering, but here's a picture of it prepped for cooking.

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