Friday, August 15, 2008

i want to sleep sleep sleep apples and bananas

After getting 4 hours of sleep my last night in Beijing, I woke up, went to coffee with Matt and Sebrina, ate some jian bing, then headed off on a plane to America.
Since that short stint of rest I've been awake for about 27 hours. On the plane I didn't sleep and instead spoke with the passenger beside me. When I did try the sleeping thing it wouldn't work. My head couldn't find the right place to be.

Now I'm at Shaun and Leila's house. It's cozy and I'm really happy to be here, but I'm absolutely exhausted, forcing myself to stay awake until I've eaten dinner, or at least until 8/9 pm here...which means I'll have been awake nearly 30 hours straight!

Shaun told me somebody reckons sleep deprivation is like drunkenness in terms of cognition and ability to accomplish tasks. I think I may have passed that state and maybe actually am partially asleep in waking life. Maybe I should philosophize about something right now...but no. i can't. i can hardly keep my eyes open. the writing of this blog, the energy i'm using to push my fingers down on these tabs, that is what is keeping me present.


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