Thursday, January 8, 2009

warning: gross. and thinking out loud.

So I don't remember much of last night's dream, but what I do remember is disturbing.
I saw my face extremely close up. I was worried and prodding at it.
I had developed hundreds of new pimples, and they were nasty ones, pussy and full.
And scattered between the pussy ones were blackheads I couldn't squeeze out.
It was absolutely disgusting and I woke up, feeling my face, finding it to be smooth and healing.
This has got to be a textbook mild anxiety dream, because it makes sense. I just got on medication to clear my face so of course I'm worried it will have adverse affects...
But still.

I also dreamt of one of my newer friends, Jeremy, but I don't really recall what happened. But at one point he was telling me his sister's name is Carissa. Also linked with reality, since I remember meeting his sister whose name is Melissa. I think it was generally a social situation, sitting around with a group of people.

I'm kind of disappointed with what I've remembered because they're too close to reality to be exciting or really all that interesting.

But I want to share this semi-idea I've got. For my experimental drawing project we're meant to work on one piece for the 10 week period of the course. Periodically adding to it. I'm thinking of doing something on either my emotions throughout the day and week and/or on my dreams.
For emotions I was thinking of keeping a pad of paper with me and marking a tally each time I felt a certain emotion like happiness, anger, sadness, envy, etc. and later could display the results on charts, different days using different charts like pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs. It would be a way to quantify my emotions over the ten week period.
In terms of dreams, I was thinking it could be in the format of a journal, with drawings of dreams, a sort of pop-up book with my dreams animated, small 3-d stages for each dream, cards filed in a box listed alphabetically by dream symbol.

I guess I could do a mixture of these things maybe. Possibly mixing the emotions and dreams, so that they're chronological. Like I display a day of emotions in graphs, then the next page or card displays my dream that night, the next day of emotions, the next dream, and so on.

I don't know. I'm trying to work this out in my head, and my blog has become my head.

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