Saturday, January 3, 2009

On and ons about things that happen.

Yesterday I set off for the Dermatologist's office.
(It's snowing!)
It took an hour to get there, two bus rides, and a half hour walk. It was enjoyable because the sun was out. In Bellingham that means everyone acts silly and unusually happy. The bus driver was over the top, gleeful the entire ride, saying nice things to everybody.
I arrived at the office, filled out paperwork, admitted to not knowing my own father's birthdate, then waited, doing clumsy things the whole time. I nearly laughed outloud at myself. I probably dropped five things while seated there in the waiting room, having to get out of my seat and bend down to pick them up each time. Sometimes I regret how clumsy I am.

A young nurse took me back. Everybody in that office was attractive. It's a dermatology and laser center, so that makes sense, but I'm used to the idea of nurses being homely middle aged women, not young attractive women with perfect faces.
She asked me a few questions, then the doctor came in. She made introductions and spoke with me for a total of five minutes, then said happy new years and left. I had a couple of prescriptions, but felt cheated. The whole encounter was completely ingenuine. Before she walked out the door, she looked me in the eyes, leaned down and said "Lets get your face clear." You could tell she's repeated that line thousands of times.
I shouldn't be so hard on her, because who would want that job? The majority of people going in there, myself included, have minor cosmetic problems and probably the whole while all she really wants to say is "Get over it."

But I was sensitive to the experience, not having had many encounters with doctors.
Plus, this is something I've thought about for ten years, so I expected her to at least check if I had any questions.

Also, now that I've looked up reviews of this Differin cream I'm a little terrified of what it's going to do to my face.
I guess this will be a test of who my true friends are...those that can look past my potentially scaly snake skin.

After seeing the doctor, I ran into Katie. She came over, I prepared chili, she left, I watched Freaks and Geeks, and then she came over again. We ate chili and cornbread, then sat around. As Gwen headed over from work, Katie went to meet her at Blockbusters as I went to watch Doubt with Glenn, Maia, and Jeremy.

Doubt made my stomach turn. One scene I hated Philip Seymour Hoffman, the next I hated Meryl Streep, and so it went, back and forth. It was unsettling.
It emphasized the corruption that can come of a hierarchical system like that.
Outside I saw my previous co-worker. I hadn't seen her since before summer so that was strange. She said they miss me there. I said I miss it there, which is not what I meant. I meant I miss them, not there.
It was weird to see her, a flashback to a relatively recent time in my life, when everything was different.

And all I remember of last night's dream is an old friend, Alex Hanson. I was in a cafe/cabin/fort, seated at a thick slab of a tree table on a stump of a chair. I looked to my side and Alex was seated next to me. He smiled a closed-mouthed smile that made wrinkles spread from his eyes.

And now I'm sitting here, trying to think of what to do.
I want to bake something but I need somebody to give the baked something to.


Calli said...

Don't be afraid of differin. I've been on both kinds. It might make you break out more for the first two weeks or so, but after that it really helps. Or if it doesn't work you can always call the Dr. and they will change your medicine. (:
I love freaks and geeks.
I think Doubt would give me a heart attack.

Carissa said...

Thanks for your voice of reason.
And I didn't mean to sound ungracious about the dermatologist. I'm actually really happy to have help.

Calli said...

OMG I didn't think you sounded ungracious at all! I just remembered being really intimidated by similar experiences. I just wanted to be comforting. I lose.