Wednesday, January 14, 2009

dreams make my day.

right before waking I dreamt about oxytocin, which is actually something they gave my sister in law to attempt inducing labor.
in my dream it was a genetic disease.
a girl sitting beside me in a get-to-know-you forum told me that she had it, but she could only pass it to other people, she didn't suffer the affects of it.
so by sitting beside her, she gave it to me.

a teacher explained what happens to a person affected with oxytocin. she told us it caused your body to, without warning, rise into space. each person would reach their own height in the sky. then, they would stop and fall back down to earth. the spontaneous rising would only occur once in their lives, and it would be the cause of their death.
i watched it happen to a man. he was in a business suit, holding a briefcase. his body began to rise and he looked surprised. then he looked down and i saw through his eyes the view underneath him. there were cars driving through the air on future immaterial sky roads.
then he stopped. and fell. he was serene.
i thought, "at least you know you're going to die in a beautiful, dramatic way."

strangely though, i watched as this man fell and impacted with the earth. his foot twisted to the side, he got up, shook off the injury, and walked into heaven. heaven was cloudy (of course) and where he entered there was a fenced in baseball field. three boys i knew when i was 12 were there playing baseball, eating popsicles. they offered him one, and he rejected. then he was me, and i accepted. i took one. they were sludgy toxic orange, and I took a baseball bat and held it in front of me.

earlier in my dreams i was jealous. (quite possibly the worst feeling in the world) i don't remember the details, and don't want to relive it, but it simply did not feel good.

(the oxytocin dream may have had the coolest of my dreams, ever. the sky whipping past his body in chunks of white and the edges of his suit blurring with the blue behind him as he fell. also, the view from the top, looking down at a future city. there was so much to see. no clear space, all bustling city. then as he walked into heaven, a close-up shot of his face. first his face in front of a background of green and earth with city far back, then his face passing through clouds. it looked exactly like when you're on a plane, watching a wing pass through the clouds.)

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