Wednesday, January 28, 2009

a quote i'm into.

"You're walking...and you don't always realize it but you're always falling. With each fall. You fall forward a short way and then catch yourself. Over and are falling...and then catch yourself. You keep falling and catching yourself falling. And this is how you are walking and falling at the same time."
-Laurie Anderson

also, i did remember my dreams this morning but chose not to post them for the world. thinking now, i realize this part isn't embarrassing.
some friends and i were in a space ship simulator. we were walking back and forth between two metallic-walled rooms, passing through a metallic sliding door each time. the floor was tilting up and down slowly as we walked between and stood in each room. one room felt extremely hot, the other extremely cold. a voice commanded us to act as though it were the opposite temperature. and so we did.

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