Thursday, January 22, 2009


No dream memories,
but I've been thinking a lot about awkwardness, and want to write a little bit about it. I have to write something before I start my day.
It's an addiction at this point. (i feel like i'm communicating with something or someone out there, and i need to keep in touch, or the whole day will be sad and i'll keep thinking of the things i need to them. but won't have access to my blog.)

An awkwardness.
sometimes people who aren't able to relate to one another, can't find a point of connection between their lives to speak about.
sometimes people are tired and can't be witty or tell grand entertaining stories, so they just don't speak.
sometimes people don't know where they stand, making them weary of choosing a topic of conversation, unsure of what would be appropriate: the weather, or their unspoken love.
sometimes people don't want to carry on conversation with someone but the space and time requires them to. they try to show they're uninterested but they just don't get the message.
sometimes you don't speak the same language.
sometimes people mumble.
sometimes people are too timid to speak their truth, so they're busy racking their brains trying to think of a safe statement to replace the meaningful.
sometimes you can't get out the right words no matter how hard you try.
sometimes there's just silence nobody knows what to do with.

i like people who are awkward.
i mean, everyone really is, but some more than others. i don't think it's a flaw. at all.
some people who aren't awkward i imagine constantly calculating how they'll best interact with each person, working their words to please them and cramming empty space with filler words.
awkwardness is honest.

alright, that's my bit. not sure why so many words on it.
a little awkward? to write that much about awkwardness? for no apparent reason.

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