Sunday, January 11, 2009


As I washed my hands in the bathroom I remembered some of the dreams.

My neighbors, Adi and Shoham, a Jewish (by heritage) couple, had invited me to see some bands playing as part of an enormous music festival.
One of the bands was going to play in their old apartment.

A group of people were visiting me at that time. Some of them were young. It must have been extended family. When it became late, they all settled into bed, some of them on my futon in the living room. Others in my bed. I said I was leaving to see some music, and I didn't know when I'd be back. I'd try not to be loud. They all looked at me with serene faces.
I left.

I went downtown to meet friends at a local music spot. We sat around a table and discussed the evening's plans. I told them about what Adi had invited me to. The name of the band was something like the Bell Towers. They were reggae. There was a 15 dollar cover though, so we were disgruntled, but wanted to check it out anyway.

We headed back to my apartment, and realized the location for the Bell Towers, their old apartment, was in the same complex as I lived. We went by and nothing was happening. The apartment door was open and Adi was lying down on some big pillows on the floor with some friends. They saw us looking in and invited us in. The plans had been canceled.

I was lying across from Adi and we were talking. I turned my head to the side and she huffed, saying "That is so rude! I can't believe you just did that. I'm really offended."
"You shouldn't turn your head like that. In my culture it's really rude."
"Oh, sorry." (and I thought, what a crazy girl...I'm pretty sure it's not a Jewish thing, and it's definitely not an American thing...what did I miss here? weird.)

Then we went on a tour of the apartment, which turned out to be like a basement under a house. It was cold, dark, moldy, concrete, and wet, with rectangular pillars spread about holding up the house above. And the floor was like a hilly landscape. Adi led us in. Everyone was timid, stepping slowly and carefully. I was in the back of the group, watching everyone. I was enthralled by the floor, thinking the space was artistic and wishing I had a room like it for my own.
The group walked ahead as I kept back.
Then I saw in the distance, on the other side of the room, a dark figure. The whole room was only lit by what felt like faint moonlight, so it was hard to see. But I could tell the figure was about a two foot long rat. I told everyone, they panicked... and my mom called.

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