Sunday, February 1, 2009

snippets of dreams and a play.

I must seriously be obsessed with that sculpture project because it was in my dreams both last night and the night before.
I wonder if when I'm sleeping in it, I will always dream of it...

Dreams last night were fuzzy, but I remember walking into a room and zooming in on a pie precariously resting on the arm of a couch. I said "Oh wow! There's a pie!" as we walked into the room, but the people I was with couldn't have cared less about it.
I also remember the presence of the dreamspace, nothing much more.

The night before I dreamt that I folded it up and stuffed it in a large suitcase, bringing it with me far away, to New Mexico presumably. I wanted to show my parents what I had made. I unpacked it and reconstructed it in the living room. Jeremy, Glenn, and I got in and lied down, displaying its use. It was extremely comfortable. My parents didn't pay much attention to it or us, but I was still proud.
Then my mom and I went off somewhere, in search of a house. It was a suburb, and the sun had just set. The temperature was just right. My mom didn't really want to go and kept trying to make excuses, repeatedly suggesting we would never find it. I was more optimistic and decided to urge her on, recognizing it wasn't very nice of me to do so. We ended up in this community center. We walked in and the people standing in the entrance hallway gawked at us. I was carrying the suitcase. Shan Shan, Justin and Sebrina's ayi-house cleaner/live-in nanny, was there.
That's all I remember.

Also, unrelated to dreams,
I went to a play called Cheat last night.
And despite my complete lack of interest in watching a play at 10:30 pm, once it began, I changed my mind.
It was really interesting. They had a projection screen cast on one wall. Seats under that, the stage was the floor, and the majority of "seating" were raised platforms with railings where the audience stood to watch.

It was essentially a discussion on what cheating means and the ambiguities it entails. Announcers would speak throughout the play asking us things like "Is it cheating if everyone is doing it? Is it cheating if you steal because your kids are starving?" And there were a few main storylines like businessmen morally degrading themselves in order to attain some fulfillment of their greed (which was personified by a man also playing their boss), a guy madly in love with a girl who didn't want to commit and opted for another woman in the end, and a baseball player encouraged by his coach to take steroids.

The play turned out to be one of those pleasant surprises made even better by dread.

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