Thursday, February 5, 2009

it's dusk all of the time, and yesterday.

I ran away. I was off on my own all alone and had ended up in a housing complex that was more like a hotel. I let myself into someone's home, taking shelter there.
Later I found out it was a Baha'i family's home I happened to barge into, so they didn't mind me being there.
Soon after barging in and setting down my things I ran down the dimly lit polished tile hallways to somewhere I needed to be urgently. I needed to buy a train ticket.
Throughout the whole dream it was dusk.
I went to a train station that I've been to before in my dreams.

(I think this dream was because of the imagery in my mind from Kafka on the Shore.)

I also was in this shopping complex and I stopped to look through large black portfolios of photographs. I saw prints of sunrises that were about four feet wide and three feet tall. I knew they were taken in Israel but they weren't labeled.
Later I was talking with my dad and another man. The man was informing us that Obama had decided to visit Akka in the next few years, which is why those photographs were on display. I told my dad excitedly, that I knew those were from Israel. He gave me an understanding smile that suggested he knew that too.

(This, I think, is because yesterday I just happened to pair myself with a Jewish girl in my acting class, who, of course, was slightly surprised that I lived in Israel for five years. We were joking about doing our skit in another language and she said that would be difficult since she only knew a little spanish and some hebrew...She's the last person in the class I would've guessed was Jewish...
It's kind of weird, I lived with a Jew, my neighbors are Jews, and my acting partner is a Jew. You would think that every other student at Western was a Jew. Not true. I'm magnetized to them.
Also, I keep noticing the sun rising in all of it's pink glory.)

I also want to write about yesterday, because it was, for me, all I could ask for in a day.
It was themed by China and easy conversation.
I began the day with "e-mail Beijing prof." written on my hand, reminding me to do that, so I can continue planning to attend CAFA University in Beijing one day.
Then in sculpture class the professor and I spoke for about an hour, both of us bordering ecstatic because of our shared interest in Chinese Contemporary art. I told him about the things I saw this summer, he showed me the books he has.
Just a moment after that, as I walked out of the library I bumped into my old Chinese professor who grabbed my hand. After she finished speaking with some women, she turned to me and asked how I was. I told her I was well and mentioned my intent to move to China this summer. She told me to drop by her office in case there's an internship they could help set me up with. Of course, Tomlonovich, that would be great!
Weird. China China China.
Also, every person I spoke to, I connected with on some level not connected on before, or at least had an easy, happy conversation with. One, Ilana in acting. I've wanted to speak with her since the second day of class. Finally we did, and she seems awesome. Two, professor about China. Three, professor about China. Four, Matt in the sun about nonsense. Five, guy from movie night who randomly appeared in the art building. Six, everyone at movie night.

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