Wednesday, February 11, 2009

China dream

I moved to Beijing.
I was walking on a street, by myself, soon after arriving.
It was comfortably hot and the streets were full of busy people. I was walking through an outside market, with food displayed on tables, mostly produce.
As I walked, I felt okay being there. I wasn't worried that I didn't know where I was, or that I didn't know anybody. I didn't feel good though either. I knew in the back of my mind that Justin and Sebrina were nearby so I could see them if I wanted.
As I continued walking I came to a hill. When I began walking up it I looked to the other side of the street and saw a guy in male Indian dress. He had a huge puff of hair. It was Reed! I yelled his name and he turned, saw it was me, and opened his arms to me. I kept walking to him and gave him a hug. Then he turned his head back to the other side of the street and Hayden was there. He was ecstatic, as usual, and so I ran across the street and gave him a hug too.

It turned out there were a ton of people I knew in Beijing. So I joined them all.
My family was also there. They had all moved into a housing complex, each living in their own little hut of a house in a suburban setting. I visited them.
Their houses had tiny video recorders and screens displaying the footage all over the house. In the bathroom there was a screen on the door displaying the footage of the entryway. In the kitchen, of another angle in the kitchen. I thought this was a little odd, but didn't give it much notice.

Leila was pregnant again, and Shaun was drinking beer. There were beer bottles all over, not an obscene alcoholic amount, but enough to show that he wasn't hiding that he was drinking them.
He was wearing a tie-dye shirt.

In the housing complex there were huge parks. It was pitch black outside, by that time, being the middle of the night, but they took me to some anyway. They knew I was jet lagged so it didn't matter.

I just remembered that I got to China by train. I took three trains and rode in a car through a mountain, getting lost along the way.
The train in total took me five days. I remember sitting in my cart, on a couch that folded down into a bed. I wasn't bored or lonely, but knew I would be both soon. I looked out the window watching the scenery pass by.

Right before waking I was struggling with something or someone, but I can't remember what was going on.

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