Monday, October 27, 2008

things i've been doing

I saw the circus last night and it was awesome.
I made it a life goal that if I have kids, I will take them to see the circus while they are Because that show was mind blowing for me, as a grown person, so i can't even imagine how incredible it would have been for a young mind. Having not been to a circus before, i don't have the vocabulary to describe the event well, so I'm not going to. Instead, you should go to see a circus show. One thing I will say is that during the intermission I lied down and closed my eyes, resting my back from the cross-legged position we were sitting in on the floor. When I opened them there was a green stilted monster on for legs standing above me looking down at me.

The day before that I carved a pumpkin at a friend's house.

And before that built a cake with Taylor for Maryann. I recruited Taylor to help with the building parts like cutting the tops off to make the cakes flat and laying the fondant. Yes, fondant. It didn't work that well because it kept melting to itself, being primarily sugar, but it tasted alright. The design is a drawing of Bjork's from off of her Greatest Hits album. In place of the word Bjork, I frosted Birth with an umlaut over the "r." :)

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