Thursday, October 23, 2008


Last night I dreamt I was rejected.

But then I dreamt of going back to China! It was a weird mixture of scenes. Meeting a random girl that wanted to practice English, then going to the squat toilets with her.
Talking with Justin and Sebrina about where to eat, then sitting down at this fried food and noodle store, which of course was next to three other equally appealing fried food and noodle stores. Walking around in the rain. Sitting at a table with the Chinese girl and a bunch of other native English-speakers.
She was left out of the conversation mostly, but after a while she turned to me and said something that's the equivalent of "what's up?". I responded with something that meant "not a lot". Our casual back and forth made me think she knew English really well. Understanding and using colloquial phrases appropriately seemed like a good sign. (The words we actually spoke were jibberish. I wish I could remember the exact sounds, but it was like goddlefaba moo? shnakee dadle...sort of not really, but maybe?)

It's my first dream about China since being back! I'm happy to know my concentrated conscious thoughts of China yesterday leaked into my subconscious firings for the night.

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