Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Story of Fingertip Land continues

The four munchkins I mentioned in a previous post were all from the same womb. They were quadruplets.
I said I would detail their superpowers, so here it goes...
Frenn Dewcomer had the amazing ability to be completely still and stop his internal clock. With a couple of deep breaths he was able to stop his heart from pumping, his hair and nails from growing, and his eyes from blinking. He used this power both as a means to make money as a street-side performer, and to escape the hard times, waiting to re-engage in life when things had simmered down. Unfortunately this power had to be used in moderation. If he waited too long to start breathing again his body could atrophy and he would be stuck in that spot forever, his upturned hat on the sidewalk brimming fuller and fuller with money that he would never have the chance to use.
His brother, Keremiah Buttocks had a very strange skill. He was always an avid reader, and he came to realize his powers one night when he fell asleep with an open book resting on his belly. When he awoke he felt different. He looked down to find that his body had transformed into the long-bearded wizard, Gandalf, from the story he had been reading late into the night. His only thought was how grateful he was for not having been reading Metamorphosis. What a nightmare that would be. He experimented with this new found ability and slept with a different book open on his belly each night. He could do whatever he wished as the character he woke up to be, but it only lasted until he needed to urinate. As soon as he emptied his bladder, the transformation reversed and he was back to his normal self. As you might have guessed, because he enjoyed playing the roles of his favorite characters, he opted to not drink the whole day, in hopes of sustaining the fantasies longer.

I'll explain the girls' powers next post.

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