Monday, October 6, 2008


I just got back from a concert by this Icelandic band, which you have probably heard of.
They were absolutely amazing. Their show definitely tied with both Flaming Lips and Tool.

At first Leila (my very preggo sister in-law) and I thought the opener was Sigur Ros, thinking they put on a terrible live show. But, it turned out the opener was a band that liked to pretend they were them, playing songs similar but very much not as good as the real thing.
We were more than relieved to find out we were wrong. When Sigur Ros began playing tears actually came to my eyes and my arms and legs were covered in goosebumps. It was beautiful. And it stayed beautiful the whole way through, when we were requested to sing along, when they had us all clapping in tune, when confetti and lights poured over us, and when we all clapped for encore and got two more, incredible songs. Just beautiful.

Oh, and speaking of her being pregnant, apparently my niece enjoyed the show too (or hated it. I'm leaning towards the former, because she is clearly a very hip baby). She was kicking her mom's innersides vehemently through the show. :)

So good.


Jeremy said...

It's awesome that you got to go. It sounds amazing. I didn't even know Sigur Ros was playing around/near here. e_e I should pay better attention.

Carissa said...

I only knew because my brother gave me his ticket.
It takes a lot of effort to keep up with when the good concerts in Seattle are.