Friday, July 18, 2008

Preview to our Journey

Starting Monday Sebrina, Madison, Shan Shan, and I are headed on an expedition.
It is literally a Journey to the West.

We're flying to Kunming, then traveling to a series of cities and villages. The projected stay in each location is 3 days. The trip will take approximately 20 days.
Sebrina is currently working on a Fulbright project where she is studying the housing styles of Chinese ethnic minorities. She already has students all around Yunnan province (where Kunming city is) who are collecting information, and this trip is so that she can get a firsthand perspective. She'll be taking architectural photos and meeting the people who live in some of the houses she's doing research on.
What's great about the trip is the ridiculous number of people going. Baby needs to go because she's still nursing. Shan Shan is going because she helps with baby, and she's a native Chinese speaker. I'm going because Sebrina is gracious and hopefully I can be of some help. Sebrina asked me to sketch the houses while we're there, so I'll give that a go. Anyway, that's four people, all needing places to stay, food to eat, and seats on buses.

Parts of the trip are going to be miserable, I'm sure, but I would hate to miss the adventure.

I don't know if I'll have internet access. If I don't I'll post when we get back to Beijing. If I do, well, I'll post pictures earlier than three weeks from now.

Also, before our trip I really want to get over to the 798 art district again because there's a show that just opened yesterday. In the description of the exhibition it said it has been designed in a 'playful' manner, with tunnels. I'll take pictures.

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