Wednesday, July 9, 2008

hanging out in my room today

Tension is running a little high today in the house.
It's like Big Brother, except without the cameras video taping our every move...i hope.

I plan to spend a few hours alone in my room, giving the air of our close quarters throughout the rest of the apartment some time to simmer down.

I'm working on a book for Madison, and other geek spawn alike. My brother is a big computer guy, and a while back my family was chatting about how Madison might turn out being brought up by him. We realized she is going to need a helping hand in understand her father. Our best idea was a baby book she could read through childhood that taught her the basics of computer technology.
I'm sketching the pages now and am trying to write some little rhymes so it's not just an image of a computer screen with the label 'computer screen' beneath it.
Eventually I guess we'll scan the images, print them, and paste them onto a thicker baby book like pages.

If you've got title ideas I'd like to hear them.

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