Monday, July 14, 2008

Cookies and Michael Jackson

Today I woke up at about 11, just in time to prepare to eat lunch. :)
After lunch, and Sebrina dealing with Madison wailing for half-an-hour until she finally fell asleep, Sebrina and I went for coffee.
We hung out at the cafe for a while, then went to the store for the final ingredients necessary to make our planned cookies. We decided to make cookies to give to the neighbors so we could meet them and make them think we're really weird...apparently Chinese people really don't do that sort of thing, but being foreigners we've got the leeway to do whatever. We wanted some type of chocolate to replace chocolate chips since they don't sell those here. M&Ms made the most sense.

We walked around the store. I bought a sweet nonsensical metal water bottle that's got bold Chinese characters, an image of a mid-roar bear, and the English words "North Island Product Institute Compass." It's one of those phrases that seems like it should make sense, but no matter how hard you think about it, it never does. [if you like this, check out]

We walked around the store some more and ended up buying snack packs of seaweed, these strange dried prunes that taste salty and sour, and a shirt I was really excited to find that says "I (heart-with the Chinese flag symbol filling it) China". Under that it urges China on to success with a popular Chinese phrase that I do not know.

We came back home and got started on those cookies. With the aid of Michael Jackson, we were pumped up and cranked them out 6 by 6 using their little toaster oven.

At dinner we were still listening to Michael Jackson, and wanting to share our enjoyment of his music with Shan Shan (the ayi), we sang the lyrics to "Bad" in Chinese...
"Wo shi huai de ren. Wo shi huai de ren. Ni ji dao le. (hen hen bu hao!)"
"I'm bad. I'm bad. You know it (really really bad)"
That was probably the highlight of my day. It was soooo funny. In Chinese it just sounds one hundred times cheesier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made cookies in a toaster oven? I salute you on that one. :-P