Sunday, July 6, 2008


There will be no naming of names in this post, although I'm sure there is no threat of rumors spreading since you won't know either of these people.

So the story goes that there is a foreign lady who has lived in Beijing for years who is reaching her 40s. She would really like to find someone to date and eventually marry, but it's proved to be very difficult in China. Generally it seems that foreign men hook up with Chinese women, but the other way around is very uncommon.
She's asked her Chinese friends to help her unfortunately to no avail.
But...recently Sebrina mentioned her predicament to the ayi (house helper) and she got excited, with a friend in mind. He's around the same age and is Mongolian. The only catch, that might be quite a barrier, is that he works at a tobacco and alcohol store...and he doesn't speak English.
It's a funny situation to observe because the Ayi is excited about the potential. The foreign woman is doubtful, since she neither smokes nor drinks alcohol and hardly speaks any Chinese.

The woman was supposed to call and say whether or not she was interested in meeting him after the ayi told her about him. She hadn't called, because she wasn't interested...but the ayi told him all about her and apparently he bought new clothing to impress her with the prospect of meeting her.

The guilt of him purchasing new clothing has caused Sebrina and the ayi to set up a chance for them to meet. So, tomorrow the plan is to have lunch at Justin and Sebrina's place and they will both be invited.

Matchmaking is suprisingly exciting business. I don't think it will work out, but it will certainly fair to be an interesting lunch tomorrow!

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