Friday, May 22, 2009


Waking to sunshine is one of those things that makes life wonderful.
Another thing that makes life wonderful is waking up after 12+ hours of sleep realizing your waaaaay to realistic nightmares are in fact not real.
And one more thing is the ridiculous song "this is why I'm hot."

So my dream.
I was in a daze, confused and feeling lost. I was at the art department, wandering around unsure of what to do with myself.
I had a pallet and paints. There was a black shiny Audi parked in front of the building. I sidled up next to it and began painting on the hood. Painting! On the hood! I didn't think about what I was doing. I painted my initials, and some flowers. As I painted periodically friends would come by and say hi. We'd chat as though everything was normal. We'd talk about how beautiful and warm it was out and how we're all stressed about our school projects---the norm. They'd comment on what I was painting, complimenting my color choice.
After a long time of painting on this car, I began to realize I may not be able to get the paint off later.
I tried rubbing it off with water and it left this thick residue everywhere. And I realized OMS would probably wear through the car's paint too. I had made a huge mess of this person's car and, being a coward, I just left.
The next day I heard professors talking about what happened. The photography professor, a flamboyant gay man, was telling my installation professor how whoever did that, if they were found out, were gonna be outta here immediately. He made a gesture with his thumb over his shoulder: "Outta here!"
I was terrified.
I couldn't believe how freaking stupid I had been.
And all I wanted to do was go back in time and not be a complete imbecile.
I was thinking through what I would say if I were found out. "I didn't realize what I was doing. I was confused."
Plead insanity?

It was so not cool. I'm pretty sure for hours of sleep I was worrying about how I would fix my predicament. So close to graduating and I would be kicked out, left to fend for myself without even a bachelor's degree.

Life is scary when you go around terrorizing people's fancy belongings. Don't do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you see this?