Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Again with the babies

Last night I had a baby.
I was living in this large home, with an unusually long but ordinary hallway, carpeted, with white walls.
I lived in one of the rooms along this hallway.
I was maybe dating? a boy who I didn't really like. He always wanted to go to my ordinary room, but I always said no. He would come over, and we'd sit on this wrap-around couch in the living room. The room was more like a greenhouse, with windows everywhere. It was beautiful, with constant sunshine and the perfect amount of warmth.
We would lay there chatting, but I really didn't like him. At all.

A bunch of people came over one night for a potluck. He was there too. I was seated on the couch, he was lying down beside me. I was thinking about how I didn't care that he was there, and kind of wanted him to leave. He was complaining about something.
Then from across the room my mom was walking towards me holding a baby. Katy from the art dept. squealed, "Oh, Carissa, is that your baby?!"
"Yep it is," I said through an immediate smile.
My mom passed the baby on to me. I cradled her.
I don't even know if the guy stayed. I'm not sure what his place in the dream was. He was so unimportant, but so persistently there.

Anyway, the baby was white. I mention this because she was sooooo white, like bleach baby or something. She was wrapped in blue and could have only been a couple months old, sleeping, with a very squishy face.
She was adorable and all mine.
I had the distinct feeling she and I had a bond nobody could change, and can easily say she was the most important thing in my life. She made me feel whole, powerful, and at ease. It was a kind of love I've never felt.

So I think this dream is because I watched the Desperate Housewives Finale last night and there's been this one running plot with the threat of a delusional man killing a young boy--son of one of the Housewives.
In last night's episode she ended up tied to a tree while the delusional man sat in a car waiting for the boy's father to drive up the street. The delusional man had the young boy in the backseat. The moment the car drove up, he drove straight into it, with hopes they would all die in the collision. The woman got out of the ropes tying her to the tree and ran, crying desperately, thinking she had just lost her son. Watching that moment I felt, a lot.
That's a kind of loss I don't know if I could handle, and I don't know how anyone does.

So yeah, thinking about baby love. That's what did it.
That guy though, no idea.

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