Wednesday, July 8, 2009

the forecast.

Whenever something great happens, soon after something not great happens.
Whenever I feel an overwhelming happiness, soon after I feel an overwhelming sadness.

I'm beginning to think everything in life balances out in the end, so if you experience a concentrated amount of great the equilibrium is off and to correct itself you have to experience the not so great until the balance is back.

For instance, I had a great four days--was around awesome people, walked in the sun for hours, had two serendipitous meetings, and saw earth-trembling fireworks--then came back to Bellingham and have been generally unhappy. It's been pouring outside the whole time. I can feel the pressure of the sky on and in my body. It's pushing down on my brain making it hard to think, and weighing down my legs and arms so any activity is difficult.

But this is the third day of rain, so if the theory is correct, and the world centers around me and my emotional experience, i predict it should stop raining tomorrow.

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