Thursday, December 18, 2008

post-graduation possibility

There's a chance I will be attending university in Beijing, getting a Masters in Fine Arts.
The plus to the particular school I'm looking into is the Vice President. It's Xu Bing! one of my favorite Chinese artists. When I saw that this morning I nearly flipped. Also, I happen to have the contact information for an art professor there who I believe is a Baha'i, which means he is friends with some people I met in Beijing over the summer who know my family there.

It would be a challenge, studying in another country. Classes are in Mandarin, but there is likely a requirement to study more Chinese before I could take the classes...if I'm accepted. It's the most prestigious art program in China and the art world is exciting there right now. I could go to the 798 art district as much as I want.
They have all the regular mediums--printmaking, oil painting, sculpture, drawing, design as well as traditional and experimental arts. It could be an exciting adventure and next step in, well, life.

Fingers crossed I guess.


Calli said...


Maryann said...

that would be incredible! it's funny, i have one of these things to, but i don't really advertise it... maybe i should. it's nice to know people can read about you and care.


Maryann said...

that would be incredible!! a lot of work, but totally worth it.

i have one of these blog thingamabobbers too, but i don't really advertise it. but maybe i should. i certainly enjoy reading your blog.


Maryann said...

that would be incredible, and totally worth all your hard work to do it! and then i could visit you and you could show me the wonderful sights! -maryann

Maryann said...

wow so i've left you a zillion of the same message because i kept thinking that the reason it wasn't showing up was because i was messing up while posting!! gahhhh please only approve one of the good ones so i won't look like such a dweeb!!!

Carissa said...

hahaha. I had to post them all. it's wonderful, not at all dweeb.