Saturday, December 27, 2008

family visits, flamoyant cafe, recurring nightmare

My mom's family is visiting...her sister and sister's two kids and adopted kid.
Truthfully none of them are kids. They're all grown, of cousins Kim is 20, adopted Monique is probably also 20, Brian is in his late 20s, and Debbie is my aunt and I don't need to give an age because she's clearly not a kid.
Anyway, they're high energy which is cool but startling.

We just got back from the same cafe that my mom and I went to with the trans man and flamboyant man. Today we saw an interesting encounter between the trans man and a customer there with his family. Apparently they had gone to school together years ago so when they were making introductions the trans waiter said "Oh no, I know you. Wasn't your mother the principle of our school?" (or so I heard.) The guy looked shocked, and gave an uncomfortable smile. After the trans waiter left the men at the table leaned in together, all silent for a few moments with stunned expressions. Finally I overheard the older man quietly ask "Did you mention that she used to be a guy?" He said "yeah" and then they were silent again for minutes, each of them taking their time to let it sink in.
Later the flamboyant man came in and my aunt was teasing him about letting us eat pie because it had been done cooling a half hour longer than someone said she'd need to wait. The man's reply to her complaints was, with a flirtatious flitter of the eyes and a feminine tone of voice, "Everything is perfect." By the way, he had breasts today.

Also, this morning I woke up remembering every detail of the nightmare I had last night. I had the sensation that it was a recurring one I've had throughout my life. But because I didn't write it down soon enough, I've forgotten most of it. I tried holding onto the memory but a lot of it is lost in my brain somewhere.

What I do remember is:
I was in a white living room, clear of anything, with about three other people and a young girl. One person was a mother. The young girl opened the door and ran out of the house. Outside it was pitch black and snowy, there were no neighbors nearby, and we were surrounded by wilderness. It was somehow dangerous out there. The mother immediately was terrified. We ran outside to find the girl and she was gone. She had dissapeared the instant she stepped outside. We all shared the fear of what could happen to her out there, and so decided to get into the two jeeps parked just outside, and head to the police department for help. As we walked out on the concrete stairs I glanced at the door while the mother shut it. The door knob was actually a mouth in an open teeth-bearing snarl. When I saw that I knew something very wrong was happening, that we, or just I, had been set up and were in danger. I knew it wasn't safe to get into the car and as we approached it I noticed the police rangers were in the driver's seat of the vehicle.
That's all I remember so far. I wish I could remember more because recurring dreams must hold some significance.


leila said...

i love reading about your eclectic experiences in new mexico. i come to visit every day, in case there's more!

and i'm not 100 per cent on this, but i think that transgendered people prefer to be identified with the sex that they identify with, i.e., your waitress is a trans woman. because she's transitioning to a woman. JUST SO YOU KNOW.

love to the lot of you, all the family!

Carissa said...

yeah. i wasn't sure what to refer to her as.
i guess i was thinking in saying trans man that the man part was a reference to her previous gender.

But you're probably right, trans woman seems more correct. no baby quite yet? :)

leila said...

nope, no baby yet! just LOTS OF WADDLING AND DISCOMFORT.