Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The first picture is of El Morro where my mom and I went to see where people had carved into the stone over time since the ancient days. There were petroglyphs as well as the names of individuals who passed through in the 1800's.
The second is the view of Mt. Taylor of Grants through the rear view mirror as we drove to El Morro.
Third is some store through the car window under the snow fall of today in Santa Fe.
Fourth is where I got my father with snowballs in the parking garage. One on the head and one on the upper back. Killer shots. He got me too, but that's not important.
Fifth is maybe an electrical box? on the sidewalk in Santa Fe, painted by a youth mural group. It was pretty sweet.
And finally a tile mural, maybe concealing/beautifying a small sub station.

p.s. flight of the conchords is back.

1 comment:

Maryann said...

that rock face looks siiiick i want to climb it! the rock looks just like the stuff that i climbed at smith in oregon.