Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I had a moment,

this morning, in my Architecture and Museums class.

We were discussing a quote from an article read for class and she wrote the quote: "Ideology represents the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence."

She offered it up as a sort of explanation to help us think about the term "ideology." I spoke first, giving my convoluted and spastic interpretation of it's meaning.
And it felt fantastic.

Last quarter I couldn't fully grasp anything we were studying in the same professor's class. And now, in this presumably more difficult course, I'm getting it, and speaking in class.

So the moment was, in part feeling giddy and excited about the beginnings of a discussion on existential though, and part a feeling of accomplishment.

Leaving class today I overheard two guys behind me: "Man, I am not understanding a word in that class dude."
"Yeah, me neither."
I wanted to whip around and say "hey! it's okay! that's exactly how i felt every class last quarter...just read the sentences over and over until they make some sense. sometimes i have to read them four times until i understand, but it's totally worth it. you won't feel so out of place and depressed. try it, really."
but reality got the better of me, and I kept walking.

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