Wednesday, June 3, 2009

wrapping things up.

I guess it hasn't really been a week yet, but still...

I've been working on my installation piece a lot the past few days and it's finally coming together and it's exciting. I want to make more homes of fabric.

I'm hardly at home these days. It feels great. Being home is nice sometimes I guess, but really only for sleeping. And even that is more fun to do at other people's places.

And my last painting based on family is almost done. I was so worried about it until today, when something I did with the composition worked and it's coming together too! Such a good feeling.
The canvas is exploding with people. So far I've got Alisha, Shaun, Madison, Sebrina, and Justin in there.

Now it's just a matter of wrapping up these, the tinman drawing, and the ten page paper.
Yeah, then, it's all over.

I'll post photos of these things when they're complete.

Now it's time to head back downtown and sew some more.

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