Wednesday, June 17, 2009

california dreaming

I totally dreamt about the art department.

It was set in the space at Western, but everything was larger. The walls were higher, the rooms were bigger, and the gallery spaces were more complex and attractive.
We were all working on our last projects. I was doing something with wood. A sort of long train-like piece.

I went into the department in the evening to work on it. I was happy to be devoting time and energy to the solo effort of this project, and it was almost finished. Everything was bright white and beautiful.

I walked past this one huge gallery space with windows and all, David and Taylor were there working on something together. I walked past, figuring I'd talk to Taylor later. I was with friends and was busy talking about our art projects.

Later I was in a class with Sharron. She decided she'd take us downtown because she wanted to buy a new bike and she was extremely excited about it.
Her vehicle to get down there was had a hearth in the backseat. We sat around it. There was a stone over the fire that she was heating to do some arty thing. We watched her work, then she left the fire going as we drove downtown.

I don't remember the bike buying what not, but after that I was at a house. It was dark. I was outside on the dewy cold lawn.
Details are blurry but at one point there was a woman lying on the ground. She came out of the woods. She was like a ghost zombie and I believe I ate part of her.
Then there were other people-an older man, and other people were there.
Pretty much the rest of my dream was terrible, horrifying cannibalism.

1 comment:

Nick said...

I threw away our mustache when I moved. Also, started my blog about myself!
it's a bunch of nonsense
