Saturday, November 29, 2008

no more giving thanks

Just got back into Bellingham from a short Thanksgiving stint of a break.
It was pleasant for the most part.
The food was perfect.

I'm still in pumpkin and comfort food mode so I've got a batch of muffins in the oven. I probably went too heavy on the clove because tasting the batter I got a similar numbing feeling on my lips that I get from clove cigarettes.
They should be interesting to eat.

It is dismal outside and I really do hate it. My mood generally lowers a couple of octaves when it becomes dark outside(if we were to measure our moods in vocal notes). I can't help it, the mood problem is some psychological thing lingering from childhood.

If you're reading this, could you give me some book suggestions? I'd like something interesting to read over winter break.


Jeremy said...

I have some books you might like, and a few new ones I got for my birthday. You should come check out my library and see if anything catches your eye.

Marci said...

I'm always game for good book recomendations. :-) If escapism is your objective, I'd try City of Dreaming Books. It's my current favorite fun/comfort read right now. I'd lend it to you, but unfortunately my copy is making its way with me to a new home in Seattle. Glad to hear your Thanksgiving went well. Good luck finishing your Journalism poster! :-) What was your topic, again?

Unknown said...

I would like to propose trade of mom-brownies for cigarette-muffins.

Carissa said...

I'm not sure how to reply to specific people, but
Thanks, I will check out your library

I'm doing a comparison between the visual journalism of painter Norman Rockwell and photographer Margaret Bourke-White. Good luck to you too!

If that's a title of a book you're suggesting I am definitely going to check it out. If it's an actual proposal I would also like to take part.