Friday, August 7, 2009

art videos, art dream, art dismantling.

Last night I discovered an archive of Art 21 videos on and so I'm on an art documentary binge.
(Dad, if you're reading this, you should really check them out. Very interesting. Very chic.)

And it influenced my dream.
I was in an attic full of boxes. Taylor's brother was there. We were looking through them. Neither of us knew what was in any of them, but we were slowly meandering through them, peering in to see what was there.
I came upon one that had about a 3 foot wide, 4 foot tall wooden African mask attached to a log. The log had the bark peeled away in parts, other parts remaining but painted in saturated primary colors. The paint appeared slick, but it was dry.
The rest of the box was filled with large sticks and things, all of them painted and decorated. Ryan said they were Taylor's, and I thought "of course they are!" And I was excited to see he had continued working with wood like that.

I don't remember any particular mood throughout the dream which is unusual for me.
But I do remember when I woke up I was thinking about these little stick sculptures Taylor made and how I had mixed imagery from one of the videos with the art of his I've seen...creating awesome hybrid art.

Also speaking of art, today I dismantled the dreamspace and washing machine.
As I was removing the fabric from the wood I was sad, thinking of how they hold quite a few memories. I worried that removing the fabric would release those memories into the air to be lost forever...
I tacked their fabric skins to the wall and there was a wonderful surprise!
They looked awesome just draped, way better than they did stretched on their wooden frames.

So I'm not sad anymore.
Now I just need to decide whether to lug them along to China or send them to New Mexico...

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